Steel fabricator or manufacturing Industry plays an important role in the process of Urbanization and Globalization. But to maintain every thing from a central place or the head office is a tough task. To solve the problem We build this Steel fabricator ERP solution that can decrease the hazzle of those monitoring task. We gather lots of information from the top most industries in Bangladesh and make the solution by prioritising the most important to least. We make a web based responsive system which can be accesible from anywhere. Also It is also build upon paperless theme, means no extra paper work is needed. We Receive warm response from all the steel fabricator industry and 100% positive feedback from the clients.
⭐ Complete Digital (Paperless) System
⭐ Integrated Hospital and Medical College ERP Solution
⭐ Software with Cutting Edge Technologies
⭐ Improved Management
⭐ Varieties of Dashboard to fit all type of Users
⭐ Track and Monitor Patients
⭐ Let Patients' Monitor Their Health Progress
⭐ Increased Interaction between Patient, Doctor and Students
⭐ Software Support with all latest tools and technologies
⭐ Microsoft Visual Studio 2015+ & VS Code
⭐ Module Customization within 7 Days
dates, Keep Connected With Us. +88-02-9346437