Large public service Organizations (i.e. Bangladesh Army) who generaly deals with public compliance and response accroding to the complain, is facing various problems. Sometimes they could not be able to response in quick time and sometime the complain reaimns unchecked. Realising the situation, we biuld a smart web based solution to cover up those problems. We also includes proper analytics to the system, to check the number of complain is checked and number of complain will be checked. It is also a Dagor product with paperless theme.
⭐ Complete Digital (Paperless) System
⭐ Integrated Hospital and Medical College ERP Solution
⭐ Software with Cutting Edge Technologies
⭐ Improved Management
⭐ Varieties of Dashboard to fit all type of Users
⭐ Track and Monitor Patients
⭐ Let Patients' Monitor Their Health Progress
⭐ Increased Interaction between Patient, Doctor and Students
⭐ Software Support with all latest tools and technologies
⭐ Microsoft Visual Studio 2015+ & VS Code
⭐ Module Customization within 7 Days
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