Electrical and Electronic ERP solution is another revolutionary product of Autosoft systems Ltd. After analyzing various problems in this industry, We build a simple but efficient web baesd solution. The program includes various types of module that is essential to start a business with any clients till delivering products to them. It is also a web based Complete solution comes under Dagor Branding with total Paperless concept.
⭐ Complete Digital (Paperless) System
⭐ Integrated Hospital and Medical College ERP Solution
⭐ Software with Cutting Edge Technologies
⭐ Improved Management
⭐ Varieties of Dashboard to fit all type of Users
⭐ Track and Monitor Patients
⭐ Let Patients' Monitor Their Health Progress
⭐ Increased Interaction between Patient, Doctor and Students
⭐ Software Support with all latest tools and technologies
⭐ Microsoft Visual Studio 2015+ & VS Code
⭐ Module Customization within 7 Days
dates, Keep Connected With Us. +88-02-9346437